To improve member protection, a new security enhancement will be taking effect.
Starting in 2024, specific online merchants will require a one-time passcode (OTP) to finalize transactions. If we have your phone number on file, the code will be sent via text; if not, but we have your email, it’ll be sent there. Please be aware that if neither contact method is available, online transactions cannot be completed.
The passcode has a 10-minute expiration, so prompt action is advised.
Please log in to your account to ensure your account details are up to date, especially your contact information. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to a more secure banking experience. As always, feel free to call with questions at 888-599-2265.
3D Secure solution is a trusted protocol that connects digital merchants to SCU during online check outs. It exists to prevent fraud and unauthorized use of payments for online purchases.
After receiving the OTP, the cardholder will enter the OTP into the dialog box on the merchant checkout page. The OTP will then be verified to determine if authentication is successful or if it has failed.
Yes. An OTP will expire 10 minutes after it is sent out.
After receiving the OTP, the cardholder will enter the OTP into the dialog box on the merchant checkout page. The OTP will then be verified to determine if authentication is successful or if it has failed.
Transactions that today may be denied now may result in a challenge that is sent to the cardholder giving them a chance to authenticate using the OTP and thus getting approval. Without OTP these transactions may simply be declined.
When the cardholder enters an invalid OTP, they will be notified that the OTP is incorrect and to please try again. The cardholder will have a maximum of three (3) failed attempts. Once the cardholder reaches the max number of failed attempts, the authentication request will fail. The cardholder will be able to reattempt the transaction.
The cardholder can select the ‘Resend’ button up to three (3) times. Once the cardholder has surpassed their maximum number of resends, the resend button will be removed.
The cardholder can experience a failed authentication when they have reached the max number of invalid attempts, the requested OTP has expired, technical issues, or if the mode of communication is not updated at Fiserv. If the cardholder enters an incorrect OTP, they can reattempt until they reach their max number of attempts. When a cardholder fails authentication via OTP, they can reattempt the transactions.
- For SMS text messages, the number is 33072
- For email messages, the address is
What does the message that goes to the cardholder look like?
Your Southbridge Credit Union authentication code is # (example: 123456). This code expires in 10 minutes. For your security, please don’t share it with anyone other than the agent you’re working with.
If you don’t recognize this request, please call 888-599-2265.
SMS Text:
Your auth code is # (example 123456). It expires in 10 minutes. For security, only share with agent. Don’t recognize this request? Call 888-599-2265. Message and data rates may apply.